David Epston - Psykolog - Narrative Perspektiver

Kontakt David Epston:

David Epston


In the late 1970s Epston and Michael White led the flowering of family therapy within Australia and New Zealand.[1] Together they started developing their ideas, continuing during the 1980s, and eventually in 1990 published Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends, the first major text in what came to be known as narrative therapy. In 1997 following the publication of Playful Approaches to Serious Problems Epston, along with his co-authors Dean Lobovits and Jennifer Freeman, initiated the website Narrative Approaches.[2] It includes series of authored and co-authored papers, artwork, and poetry in the form of an “Archive of Resistance: Anti-Anorexia/anti-Bulimia.”


  • 1989. Literate Means to Therapeutic Ends. With Michael White. Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications.
  • 1990. Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends. With Michael White. W.W. Norton.
  • 1992. Experience, Contradiction, Narrative and Imagination: Selected papers of David Epston & Michael White, 1989-1991. With Michael White. Adelaide, South Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.
  • 1997. Playful approaches to serious problems: narrative therapy with children and their families. With Jennifer Freeman and Dean Lobovits. W.W. Norton.
  • 2004. Biting the hand that starves you: inspiring resistance to anorexia/bulimia. With Richard Linn Maisel and Ali Borden. W.W. Norton.
  • 2008. Down under and up over: travels with narrative therapy. Edited by Barry Bowen. Karnac Books. ISBN 978-0-952343
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